Well many ppl say that same line over and over, and I dont really think its all that great or that sad, but like everybody I still bitch about it alot. I have a Ex-girl friend who wont stop wanting to be friends, my new friends just keep on making web-movies that make very little sence, and my family are nothing but a pack of controling bastards. In the end I still have some reason to get up. My old friends are still there for me and keep my happy, thanks to those web-movies im becoming web famous, and im breaking the bonds to that crap-hole of a family I have. In anycase all im trying to do now is find my way in life and hope for some really good things to turn out. Maby find a new girl friend or find a good job that I'll like IDK im just gona keep on going.
Get a job, stick with your old friends, ot you will be a Retarded Emo and you will be at gaia online 24/7