Today I was given an ultimatum (I really wanted to use that word) from my mom. I was asked if I wanted to stay at my new school or go back to my old one (I know doesn't seem that big). Here at the new place I'm known as this weird interesting kid that others can hang out with, but at my old school I'm the weird kid that others don't feel like hanging out with but don't mind talking to at lunch. It seem like I should just stay but my mom thinks that I'd be better off going back, but my only disagreement is that we're not moving so I have to drive about 20 miles just to go to a place where I'm one of the obscure kids with nothing going for him, but my two best friends do go there and I could have a chance to be around them again.
*Sigh* To stay with some people that kinda like me and go to a class where I might really learn something, or go back to the place where im nothing more than a quite kid at the back of the class talking to my two best friends?
Its strange on how my mom reacted to my choice. She thinks I'm trying to stay a child by not going back, but wouldn't me going back prove that I wasn't ready for change and have given up? It's funny seeing how badly she thinks she knows me.
Start anew, for change is a sign of progress.