View Profile TheBoyOfAges
So wrong but so funny!

Al @TheBoyOfAges

Age 35, Male


Lancaster Highschool

Lancaster TX

Joined on 7/22/07

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TheBoyOfAges's News

Posted by TheBoyOfAges - March 6th, 2008

I was on the halo server on gamespy, and I found this good room with some sick killings there. Then I found this guy named "a seal" I pwnd him good! When the game was done he asked me why I killed him so much. I lol'd at him and just said "I am your truest nightmare." He left the room but I wasn't done yet. I scoped around the rooms in the sever and found him like 2 times. The only thing he said when I entered was "OMFG!" The first time I was on the same team as him so I changed so I could hunt him down. He ran and I just shot out a barrage of bullets at him. He was honestly scared on how I could find him that many time and he just left the sever completely.

Posted by TheBoyOfAges - February 23rd, 2008

Just now me and some friends came back from just hanging out, but then I was trying to take back my rip-stick (see last post if you don't know what it is) and they said that I couldn't for now they wanted it. I said no and they jumped me and took me out of the car and tried to get away. I knew I couldn't get it in time so I did the only thing I knew I could do...I pissed on his car before he could get out. A few mins ago I got a call from them telling me to look outside, and then I looked at my car. THOSE FUCK HEADS PISSED ALL OVER THE DRIVER'S DOOR! Now the only thing I'm gona do tomorrow is get each of those three guys back with true vengence!

The targets here (look down)

It's ON!

Posted by TheBoyOfAges - February 10th, 2008

I just tried this thing yesterday and it was fun as hell! Some of my friends ordered some of the internet and just started going for it. They handed one to me and it took me a while to get use to it, but when I finally got the hang of it; the awesomeness just keeped on coming. We went down some streets, hills, and this sick ramp at the school that has 3 curves that make you twist on the spot. I honestly want one of my own now, but its like 80$ so I guess I better save up now.


Posted by TheBoyOfAges - February 1st, 2008

Ok long story short; the guy that just got dumbed by the girl I so do care deaply about called me back and we had a long chat. Mostly just him saying "Im so so so sorry for snaching her from you man...forgive me?" I said I got over it a long time ago. The only thing I was trying to concentrate on was getting her back. We talked more, I said witty remarks about how "difficult" she is and he just keeped laughing and agreeing. Then he started saying how he missed seeing her smile when ever she was happy and it all changed when they got together. (meaning I was the one making her happy :D) He said if she could be happy again if I was with her; he would more than happy to try help help get back with her. For some reason this guy trust me. (pretty stupid if your they guy that nabbed some guy's girl friend) But now im just trying to talk to her more so I can show her that we can work again. COME ON YOU CANT SAY NO "well at least I cant" to this face :3

From bitter sweet to akawardly optimistic.

Posted by TheBoyOfAges - January 30th, 2008

Lets say sence SMBZ came out that mario and the his bro came to sonics world. Bowser messes with magic that he has no idea how to use. Peach warns Mario of what is happening and he goes over to stop him with luigi. They get there and Bowser is already done he just needs to use it to get the power he seeks. The two bros kick his butt, but set of a chain reaction that opens a portal to a new world. The three are sucked in and scatered in the new world. Lets say Mario lands at a beach (sunshine refrence), luigi at a hotel (kinda a massion refrence), and finaly Bowser in a place like the Aztec Ruins of the older games. Then Bowser is seen walking throught the wild then finds some Eggman's robots snooping around for anything. He crushes them with ease leting out a alert of destuction more come to see what happend. He fights them all off and Eggman thinks its sonic and finaly goes himself to see. Finding him; his sensors indicate that Bower has a unkown residue that has huge amounts of power that could rivial the chaos emeralds. They exchange pleasenties and decide to work together to end their hated foes. Ok then...hmm ok lets say Sonic and Tails find Mario at the beach fighting of some bad guys. Sonic gets too close and Mario gives him one good one to the face. Tails settles the fight before it got out of hand. Then for the fun of it let Shadow find Luigi cowering from place to place. Then they are ambushed by some enemys they both fight and Shadow is slightly impressed by how he fights but just lets that idea go when he trips on a broken robot. He leaves and Luigi just fallows behind just pissing him off even more. Well thats all I got for now till some new ideas pop in.

Posted by TheBoyOfAges - January 30th, 2008

Monday I didn't notice it but I pulled my leg mussle really hard. Tuesday morrning I had a slight pain there but I just went to school anyway.(STUPIDEST IDEA EVER!) by period 3 I was screaming every step I took from class to class, stairs became tourcher devices, and finaly walking from one end of the school to the other to get to my car was "The walk of pain." Later when I got home even just ajusting myself in a chair made me scream in pain, at night my other leg finaly caught up with the other one and made me scream a new one. I woke up like 5 times just in agony of moving few inches. Im staying home today but my mom is teaching me a lesson about not over doing it making me still take my little sister to school on my own. Also when talking with my ex; she joked about giving me the only lap dance that I'll ever say no to. I really do think she enjoyed hearing me scream when ever I moved.

Posted by TheBoyOfAges - January 29th, 2008

Well the girl that I care about alot in NY tryed to break up with her new BF yesterday and they got back together in 2 hours, but just a while ago I got a e-mail from him talking about " After she said that I felt like I cant do much for her..." He wants to talk about how he wants to be let down easy and he also said that I did diserve her more. When ever I talked to her; she talked about how they fight over nothing over and over, but he did have some good parts that he was a nice guy. He said he was sorry for taking her from me. He even gave me his home phone number to talk about this. If I go through with this and me and her get back together and I finaly go to NY I dont think I'll come back home ever, so anyone have ideas of what to do?

Posted by TheBoyOfAges - December 31st, 2007

As anyone can see on the general forum im gona have some real fun tonight and when this is done im gona keep a few, so I can mess with my friends tomarow.

Tonight im gona be a very bad boy!

Posted by TheBoyOfAges - December 28th, 2007

Sence I have no flash programs I have to make due with this...Watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flLdhJw rAuY its ok but i know i can do better.

Posted by TheBoyOfAges - December 12th, 2007

More and more everything just piled up on me, and then I couldn't take it! I was once again in a chat with my ex on IM; she started talking about some "stuff" and then everything just felt too much! I knocked over my web-cam, then when I was trying to reach it my head started pounding like hell, I tryed to pick it up but I keeped droping it like 4 times. My life is finaly getting back at me. My life, my ex, and even the girl that could have been by girl friend; just today came up and brought down the hamer to my head, and I couldn't take it!